Be part of the united voice of NL agriculture
We represent our members’ interests with all levels of government to facilitate policy development and programs to further the agriculture industry in the province. We will work on your behalf to advocate for your issues!
We’re committed to creating a community where our members
can benefit from networking opportunities, workshops and events, industry programs and projects, and more. We also provide AgriVantage discounts at participating businesses.
We strive to promote our farmers and local food, including keeping the public informed about the growth of the agriculture industry in Newfoundland & Labrador.

All members receive:
Reduced AGM rates
Preferred rates at all NLFA functions
NLFA mail-outs and email newsletters
Subscription to Agriview magazine
AgriVantage discounts at select businesses
Access to all NLFA services
Industry members also receive:
Privilege to vote and hold office on the NLFA Board of Directors
NLFA members receive AgriVantage discounts from participating businesses including: