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About the Federation
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The Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Agriculture (NLFA) is an organization which represents farmers and farmer groups in the province. Our motto is “Farmers Helping Farmers”, and we believe that by sharing information and speaking with a united voice, farmers can work more effectively for the betterment of the agriculture industry, and for the improvement of our Province as a whole.

Board of Directors

The Federation of Agriculture is composed of an Executive and Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is made up of representatives of the various commodity boards, producer organizations, regional groups, and agricultural interest groups. Independent farmers, who are not represented by any of the member organizations, may also join.

  • To coordinate the efforts of Newfoundland & Labrador farmers for the purpose of promoting their common interest through collective action.

  • To render services that will promote and advance the social and economic conditions of those engaged in agricultural pursuits.

  • To assist in formulating and promoting Agricultural policies to meet changing economic conditions.

  • To negotiate with Provincial and Federal Governments for the development of policies and programs designed to further agricultural development within the Province.

  • To take common action on any and all matters of interest and benefit to farmers.

  • To keep the farming and general public informed on the state of the industry and its importance to the Provincial economy.

  • To do all other things which are conducive to the attainment of these objectives and which are consistent with the mandate and powers of the Federation.

  • To administer funds provided through any Federal and/or Provincial Government Programs in order to assist the agriculture industry in Newfoundland & Labrador in the transition to an unsubsidized environment and to facilitate the move toward a more stable, market driven sector; and to assist the agriculture and agrifood industry in Newfoundland & Labrador in adapting to new policy and market environments in order to facilitate the move toward a more stable self-reliant sector.

  • To establish and maintain appropriate affiliation with groups or organizations pertinent to the objectives described herein.



Wayne Simmons, Hammond Farm Ltd.

Vice President
Andy Wright, Wright's Family Farm

Howard Morry, Double Diamond Farm


Kent FudgeMountain View Farm
Krista Chatman, Three Mile Ridge
(Representing member organizations)
Darren Dinsmore, Labrador Agriculture Association 
Troy CoombsNL Beekeepers Association

Corey Reid, NL Cranberry Association

Melvin J. Rideout, Fruit and Vegetable Growers of NL

Brenda AylwardSheep Producers Association of NL
Gordon Peddle, NL Cattle Producers Association
Matthew Rose, Dairy Farmers of Newfoundland & Labrador
Lauralee Ledrew, NL Young Farmers


​East Coast Office

Agriculture in the Classroom NL Coordinator

​Chelsea Foley 

709-747-4874 Ext. 205

Little Green Thumbs Coordinator

​Maureen Foley 

709-747-487Ext. 204

NL Young Farmers Coordinator

​Lisa Davis

709-747-4874 Ext. 203

NL Young Farmers Outreach Coordinator

Mark Hoffe

709-747-4874 Ext. 206

Mental Health & Safety Coordinator

Kylie Stokes

709-747-4874 Ext. 210

Programs Clerk

Shelly Bailey

709-747-4874 Ext. 200

West Coast Office​

General Manager

Colin Carroll

709-747-4874 Ext. 207

Public Trust & Marketing Manager  

Sara Power

709-747-4874 Ext. 208

Financial Administrator 

Erica Taylor

709-747-4874 Ext. 209

Administrative Assistant

Heather Legge

709-747-4874 Ext. 212


Climate Change Manager

Rodney Reid​

709-747-4874 Ext. 202



​Commodity Groups
The Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Agriculture (NLFA) currently represents the following groups:
  • NL Cattle Producers Association
  • Labrador Agricultural Association
  • NL Beekeeping Association
  • NL Cranberry Association
  • NL Fur Breeders Association
  • Fruit and Vegetable Growers of NL
  • NL Young Farmers
  • Pork Producers Association NL
  • Women in Agriculture-NL
  • Sheep Producers Association NL
  • Dairy Farmers of NL
Who we Represent

Funded By:

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T: 709-747-4874

F: 709-747-8827

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East Coast Office

1147 Topsail Road, Suite 4
Mt. Pearl, NL, A1N 5G2

West Coast Office

4 Herald Avenue, Suite 504

Corner Brook, NL, A2H 4B4

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